Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Some days you should stay in bed

Some days you shouldn't get out of bed. Yesterday was one of those days. I knew it wasn't going to go right when I got into the shower and turned it on before moving away. Yep! I wasn't planning to wash my hair, but I had to at that point.
After I climbed out of the shower I picked up my toothbrush from the nearby stand and accidently dropped it into the toilet. A new brush was in order. As if that wasn't enough I pulled out my arthritis cream and didn't look. After all, it was the same white container and same size as my moisturizer. You guess it, I had some on my face before I realized what I had done. OK, I thought maybe I should go back to bed and start over. Thank God, I usually don't have those kind of days.
When I got down to the kitchen, I laughed although I admit I was almost in tears. What the heck was wrong with me. I hope it was just an unusual happenstance and not the norm. Otherwise I'd start to think I'm getting too old and I don't ever want to think that.
But there was a lesson in all of this. Check the shower knob before turning it on; make sure the toilet seat is down when you decide to brush your teeth; and keep your arthritis cream in a separate draw away from your moisturizer.
I hope when I get up tomorrow I pay a little more attention to what I am doing so I won't burn my toast or drop my egg on the floor.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Take time to live! Life is too short.

A friend of mind recently sent me a great email that was filled with food for thought.
I really enjoy these reminders that we are getting older. And, most of the time they make me laugh. So, I thought I'd try to make your day more pleasant, as well.
Here is one that made me squeal. Success is based on age in case you didn't know that. Since this blog is called The Golden Years, I will stick to the latter years for success.
At age 70, success is "Having a driver's license." At age 75, success is "Having friends." At age 80, success is "Not peeing in your pants." Amen!
Always remember laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy. It's frustrating to know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
And, here is the best one and so true. The four stages of life: 1) You believe in Santa Claus. 2)You don't believe in Santa Claus. and 3) You are Santa Claus.
Always remember to forget the troubles that pass your way; But never forget the blessings that come each day.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stop the darn candidates' phone calls

I don't think it is an age thing, but I am so fed up with getting phone calls from candidates looking for our votes.
When I'm home I like to answer my phone and not rely on my answering machine. There have been a time or two when nature called and the phone rang. Needless to say, I scurried to the phone only to find out it was a taped message. I hung up immediately.
You are wasting my time - as well as your own - thinking we are listening, especially when it is taped. I would much rather read about what you stand for.
Another gripe I have - maybe I am a crusty, ill-tempered old lady - is a candidate or an incumbent, who tries to take all the credit for passing a bill or in the recent case, getting the VLTs to fruition. Just how dumb do you think we are. I, for one, am not buying it.
I wish you'd think twice about the phone calls or trying to tell us you singlehandedly got people jobs or other items passed that we have been hoping for.
Have you ever heard someone say: "No man (or woman) is an island?" Am I alone in my thinking? Let me know your viewpoints, I'd be interested.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

FDR: 'A date that will live in infamy'

Is there a person out there that doesn't remember 9/11? I just couldn't get it off my mind the other day.
But it did bring back another tragedy that happened many, many years ago when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
I was only 9 years old at the time and had just returned from the movies. We could go with a friend at that young age back then without any worries. I had just returned home and as I usually did ran into the house to say I was home. My mom and dad were sitting close to our big floor model radio listening intently. My dad said to be quiet, the president is going to talk. Being only 9 years old, I wasn't sure how important that was, but looking at my parents faces I knew it wasn't something good.
All my dad said was the Japanese had just bombed Pearl Harbor. Of course, after some explanation I knew it was going to affect all of us somehow. Then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was on the air and said: "A date that will live in infamy."
And, as someone who lived through World War 11 knows and will always remember it certainly was a tragic day that has lived with us forever.
Just like 9/11, Dec. 7, 1941 will always bring back memories. For those who did not live through that war or others since then just ask your grandparents.
Let's hope we never have to add another date. Can't we try to live in peace or is it just an unfortunate part of life. Today let's pray for any serviceman or woman who protect us. Without them we wouldn't be living as good as we do.
So, remember that when you complain about the little things that aren't so tragic remember 9/11 and Dec. 7, 1941.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Have you reached old age?

Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day! I know many of you have hear of this, but in case you haven't I'd like to put a little laughter into your day.
Old age ain't no place for sissies. - Bette Davis
I refuse to think of them as chin hair. I think of them as stray eyebrows. - Janette Barber
The hardest years in life are those between 10 and 70. - Helen Hayes (73)
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened. - Cora Harvey Armstrong
I'm not going to vacuum until Sears makes one you can ride on. - Roseanne Barr
Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. - Caryn Leschen
Nobody makes you feel inferior without your permission. - Eleanor Roosevelt
And, finally, inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies. - Unknown
Now, if you didn't laugh. Then you haven't reached old age.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Check the circumstances before complaining

For anyone who knows me, I look on the good side of everything, especially when it comes for a fund-raising event.
I recently wrote about the Travers Celebration, which by the way raised at least $100,000 for B.E.S.T. and Double H Ranch for critically-ill children. I have a difficult time saying anything nasty about a fundraiser. And, it's not my age. I've always been that way.
As far as I'm concerned the Travers gala was absolutely beautiful; the dancing to The Times Square Orchestra was incredible; and the food, although not as good as other years, wasn't as bad as a couple of comments at the end of my online Inside Saratoga column.
One person said that four people at their table got sick on the lobster salad. I ate it too, but I didn't get sick. Unfortunately, I didn't know until after the party that there was a reason for the change from the track's Centerplate to Angelo Mazzone.
I heard right from the horse's mouth that Mazzone took over the menu at the last minute due to unexpected circumstances. "The only slack we cut for Angelo was the fact that he inherited the menu and the food that had already been ordered. It is difficult for a chef to take someone else's menu and have absolutely no creative input, especially with only four days notice. It was truly an unfortunate circumstance," wrote one the people who was involved.
So, sometimes we have to swallow and think twice before actually commenting until we know the reason.
I, for one, had a wonderful time and enjoyed the perfectly done filet mignon. Please don't cross it off your gala list next year. All the organizations need our support.