Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thanks Rotary for making my day

I just had to take the time to talk a little about my wonderful day at the Saratoga Springs Rotary Foundation brunch.
I, along with Libby Smith-Holmes, were honored by the Rotary at its fund-raiser Sunday, Oct. 21, at the Saratoga Springs City Center. Needless to say, I was not only surprised by the honor, but was shaking in my boots that morning.
Greg Greico, Rotary vice president, is a wonderful, humorist speaker. Me, I'm just the opposite. I'm a writer. At least I was for many years at The Saratogian.
I had asked my former boss at the paper, Managing Editor Barbara Lombardo, to give a talk about me. We have been friends since she arrived as a cub reporter. I used to fix her tags sticking out of her blouses. I'd even take home her coffee cups when they started to change color. So she knew me well.
I sat at one of the two main tables with Barbara and her husband Jim; my good friends Joe and Kathy Condon (he's that spectacular voice on 95.5 etc.); my sister and brother-in-law Edie and Bob King; and my loves of my life, my husband Augie and my son Dan. (I also have another son and two daughters all of whom are distances away, but remembered me warmly on that day.)
After, a scrumptious brunch, and Greg's funny-witty introduction, Barbara stood in front of the microphone to give her warm speech. I was shaking in my shoes. Not because I was concerned about what she would say, but because I knew I would have to speak next.
To make matters worse, she started off by calling me "Lady," the name that was affectionately given to me by my late brother-in-law. It has stuck and lovingly used by all the members of my family.
I lost it. While trying to hold back any tears, I managed to get to the podium.
I had my speech in front of me, but literally don't remember how I got through it, but I did. I could have gone on and on, but knew I had time restraints.
So many people made my life a happier one during the 25 years I spent as a society writer. I met sooo many wonderful people.
All ended on a high note. The Rotary including Florence Andresen and Gina Michelin, who co-chaired the event, gave me a gift that I will cherish forever - my own recognition for all my hard work.
Thanks Rotary. Thanks Barbara. Thanks Linda Toohey for suggesting I become the society writer. And thanks to all the people who attended, sent notes and gave me praise after each column was written in the paper. I am now, hopefully, a better person because of the wonderful years I spent writing something I loved to do.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Change is good; hugs even better

I watched both debates and came away feeling better about what is ahead. I must admit, I'm tired of listening to ads that blast each other rather than say what I want to hear: that the economy, job creations and what is going on around the world has to get better than it has been.
You can tell by the name of this blog: The Golden Years - that I'm not a spring chicken. But sometimes I feel like the younger generation including even family members think we don't have a brain in our heads.
It's amazing how we managed to raise a family, attend all their sports activities, comfort them when they were sick or had a bad day, and even worked outside the home, yet at our age they don't want to listen to anything negative. Maybe it's their way of loving us. I really don't know. But sometimes we need comforting too.
So, I continue to look forward to the future. I've lived a long time and managed to get through whatever was sent our way and I'll expect to follow the same paths as before.
Just once in awhile give me a hug, listen to my feelings when I express them and I'll continue to do the same.
I'll sign off by wishing whoever wins the upcoming elections sincere wisdom in bringing us back to when we didn't have to wonder if families could feed their families, hang onto their homes and be comfortable that their jobs are safe.
And while I'm at it send me a hug or two.