Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Memories are the best gift of all

What is there about this time of year? I have mixed feelings. Now in my Golden Years, I think back to when my four children were young.
It makes me very happy and sad at the same time. It's possible take my word for it. When they were young, I was too. It was fun decorating the tree, buying gifts for outside members of the family, baking cookies, midnight Mass on Christmas eve and opening presents Christmas morning.
Now they are all grown-ups with families of their own. I have one son who lives here that is not married. He is attentive and wonderful in every way. But at the same time he does everything he wants too. We never - at least we try not to - tell him what to do. He lives alone, but calls nearly every day to see if we're OK. That's the best gift any parent could receive.
The other three have families and this year all of them are going to be with them. We are happy for them, but wish they lived closer so we could join in. Two live in Georgia and one in the western part of the state. She and her husband are travelling to Indianapolis to be with their daughter and new grandson.
My husband no longer will travel, which I understand.
I am very happy that I have friends. I also volunteer. Bake cookies and give most of them away.
Really I'm not sad, but I do miss my family more than I can describe.
I'm still planning a big Christmas dinner even though it will be only three of us.
If I sound like I'm bellyaching - (I think it's OK). I'll snap out of it soon.
Anyway, let me wish everyone I know and even those I don't: A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I'm still here to give that wish and that's the best gift anyone could have.