Monday, May 19, 2014

Here's to warmer, sunny days

Here it is May 19 and I'm still freezing. I know age has something to do with it, but I haven't even got into my short sleeve golf shirts yet.  Ok, maybe once or twice.
I promise not to complain if I get a week or more of 80 degree weather.
Each day I wake up with plans. Sometimes it works out - others not so good. Today, I'm hoping for a good one.
My schedule isn't that exciting. I have a nail appointment followed by grocery shopping. I'm probably one of a few who likes to grocery shop. I sit down at the dining room table after I've read the Sunday paper to make out my list. I'm not one who runs all over town looking for bargains, but I am selective with what's in the ads.
I'm planning ahead for Memorial Day. Not because I'm expecting a big crowd - three at the most, but I'm still a planner.
Yesterday, I made blueberry muffins - a double batch. Then came two loaves of banana bread. I had a lot of ripened bananas and I try not to toss anything. Some of the muffins are in freezer bags and both loaves of banana bread are too.
If I had a choice of making a big lavish dinner or baking, baking would top my list. In fact, my husband still kids me about the baking because when I was younger - a lot younger - I said I'd like to open a bakery.
But believe me, my baked goods are just your homespun variety not anything lavish. However, we recently spent a weekend at my daughter and son-in-law's home in the western part of the state. We went to a mammoth market that has everything fresh. Well, needless to say on the way home I was buried in the back seat of our son's car along with bags of the freshest fruits and veggies.
Apples were a priority on my list. I always tell my husband he's going to turn into an apple. There isn't a day he misses eating one. In fact, I think he knows about every variety. Well, we came across some Jonagolds (hope I spelled it right) and purchased more than we needed.
The first thing I did was make him his favorite apple pie. I thought it was a little too sweet. He thought it was perfect. I'll take it because he isn't one to give out compliments very often.
So here I sit looking out the window at the not-so-sunny day and yearning for that sun to shine brightly.
I promise if it ever reaches 90 degrees this summer, you won't hear a complaint out of me.
Here's to warmer, more sunny days. They can't come sooner for me.