The race season partying is over. But as MacArthur said: ' I shall return'
By then you'll have to have Barbara Lombardo, managing editor of The Saratogian, get you a wheelchair or maybe a Hoveround. She promised me when I was only in my sixties, as a joke, of course. I never thought I'd ever think about the need for one. And, I still don't, but there were some days I wish I had one close by.
My biggest problem is walking from the media parking lot to get into the track to cover an event. For me, anyway, it is too long a stretch.
I know many 80-year-olds who surpass me, but then I say to myself keep pushing. You'll get there. Isn't that true with anything we do?
So, God willing, I'll be back writing my Inside Saratoga column twice a week next race season. Until then it will be every Tuesday.
In the meantime, Barbara save up to buy me that wheelchair or Hoveround just in case.