Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Congrats to 'Cot' Campbell and Mary Jane Howell

It's never too late to give a person you admire a pat on the back. I'm talking about my good friend and president of Dogwood Stable in Aiken, S.C., Cot Campbell.
On Jan. 16, Cot was given the prestigous Eclipse Award of Merit for "lifetime achievement in the thoroughbred industry" at the Beverly Wishire Hotel in Los Angeles.
As his recent newsletter stated "it puts him in the heady company" including our favorite lady of Saratoga: Marylou Whitney.
Cot and his wife of 53 years, Anne, adore coming to Saratoga each summer not only for racing their horses at Saratoga Race Course, but for taking in all that our city has to offer including SPAC, and the many excellent restaurants. Their special favorite is Chez Pierre on R0ute 9 about 7 miles north off Route 50 (the arterial).
But with all this gladness, there is one fly in the ointment at least for this blog writer. One of my favorite people is Mary Jane Howell, who was Dogwood Stable's newsletter editor since 1998. Mary Jane was always helpful when I needed any kind of information during my long career as a writer and society columnist with The Saratogian. And, she also came to Saratoga during the race meet.
Mary Jane has my best wishes as shes takes a big leap to pursue a bigger dream - writing a young adult novel. She will continue to live in Aiken. She owns two thoroughbreds. "I have loved horses all of my life, and to be able to devote my time to writing this story is a fabulous feeling," she said in the recent Dogwood newsletter.
So, I sign off by giving a big hand to both Cothran "Cot" and Mary Jane. I only wish I could fill the shoes of the Campbells and Mary Jane. Life is good.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Flowers arrive 20 years late

Guess what? I received a huge, beautiful bouquet of flowers, mainly roses yesterday. Ok, so you say "so what, it must have been her birthday or an early Valentine's present." Well, you're all wrong.
The bouquet of flowers were unexpected, but wished for 20 years ago. In my farewell write-up about retiring after 25 years ago as The Saratogian's society columnist, I mentioned that a doctor from Pennsylvania had asked me to dance at one of dozens of galas I attended.
He used to swing around the dance floor with any woman he asked in a non-traditional dance move. I was one of them. All it got me was two broken bones in my little finger and a cast up to my elbow. To make matters worse it was my right hand, my writing hand. I did manage to get my job done - on time - but it wasn't easy.
The bottom line was the doctor sent me a get-well card. And, in my final goodbye I wrote that the least he could have done was send me flowers.
Well, some 20 years later he did. I was amazed. And he even called me to let me know he was honored that I recalled the incident and put his name in with other noted stars such as Ginger Rogers, Bert Parks, Walter Cronkite and Andy Rooney.
All I will say is they came at the best time since I am going into the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday) to have a new battery put in my pacemaker.
Thanks Doc. As you said in the card that arrived with the flowers: "Better late than never."