Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hand-held devices don't give hugs like I do

I know I'm getting older, but does everyone have to be on their Ipods, Iphones etc. all the time. I'm just not into it.
I like to sit down and have a normal conversation with someone without their attention being into their hand-held devices.
I recently had family members come for a vist. It was great. However, most of the time - not all of the time - their minds were on what was on their devices. They were texting other family members or playing games. And when I questioned it, I was told this is the new era. I know they're right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Everyone talks about not having enough money these days, but there is always enough money for the new technology. Maybe I'm the one that is out-of-it.
But, while I'm sitting around I'll read my book or newspaper and when someone says something I'll stop and give my full attention to the person that says something.
And, in the meantime, folks go ahead and text, play games and give your attention to you hand-held devices. But I hope they learn how to give you hugs like I do.


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