Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Election ads are driving me crazy

I am so fed up I'm about to scream. I can't wait for next Tuesday to arrive and the elections will be over.

The Saratogian recently did a survey to find out how many people were influenced by television ads and to no surprise 80 percent of the voters said they made no difference in who they planned to vote for.

Most people vote along party lines. But there are others, who look at the path our country is taking and feel there is a need for change. I am no politician. In fact, I'd be too honest to ever hold an office.

Why is it, all the candidates promise us change, but once they are elected they do what they want and not what is best for the people that voted them in. I sound like a cranky old lady, which to be honest at this point I am.

In the meantime, I will continue to do what I am doing hop from one channel to another when a politician tries to tell me how wonderful they are and how down right bad their opponent is.

Ok, I got this off my chest. But I still want all of you to vote on Nov. 2. It is still our privilege and if you don't vote you have no right to gripe when you don't like the way things are going.


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