Thursday, September 8, 2011

Losing weight the wrong way

I'm not going to mention rain. But I can't help it. After a good summer will it ever stop? Maybe then all my aches and pains will go away.
I recently had an unfortunate excursion to the emergency room. Severe pain in the left part of my abdomen. They took a cat scan and blood tests and diagnose it as diverticulis (infection in the bowel). I was on a double-dose of antibiotics and had to miss several of the events I cover for the paper.
Add that to a heart whose pacemaker is beginning to run low and a couple shots in my hip and groin and I am perfect. It's no laughing matter. I'm sick of feeling sick. I wish someone out there could make me feel better.
I will be 79 tomorrow and if this is what 79 feels like then what will 80 be like? I don't like to give in, but when you walk like you're half drunk without even having a drink and your energy level is so low you feel like you only want to sit, you realize these Golden Years are for the birds.
I know many people my age that are so much more active. I'm not a giver-upper, but nothing seems to get me going.
I see my cardiologist tomorrow and I see my gastroenteroligist Sept. 22. Hopefully, by then I will be able to kick up my heels and shout from the rooftop.
In the meantime, I'll keep trying to find out what is good for me to eat without causing me problems.
The only good thing, I'm losing weight.


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